User experience designer

User Experience Designer

GovHack BizX

DXC Technology put together a team to enter into the 2018 GovHack Challenge. We had 48 hours to pick a problem space, ideate a solution, and build a prototype.

We focused on harnessing the Department of Jobs and Small Business data to support entrepreneurs with new business opportunities and ventures.

We built a clickable prototype and a functional prototype showcasing the solution.

The Problem

The Department of Jobs and Small Business wanted to utilise the breadth and depth of data they have access to, to support entrepreneurs with their opportunities and ventures.

Users had expressed difficulty in learning about location viability for their idea. They wanted access to reliable information that gave them a clear image of the viability of that area for their business idea and supported them in the journey to establishing this entrepreneurial venture.

The hypotheses we took forward focused on empowering users:

We believe we can utilise government data to improve entrepreneurs ability to identify business opportunities enabling the establishment and growth of local business.

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My role in the team

As the User Experience Designer and more specifically, Interaction Designer, I:

  • facilitated design thinking sessions and synthesised findings
  • sketched and wireframed concepts for the product
  • rapidly prototyped and iterated the clickable prototype
experience design

GovHack project page

BizX clickable prototype

Proof of concept

Key takeaways

  • How to run design thinking workshops/activities
  • The risk of thinking too big and the importance of starting small and scaling
  • Developed a better understanding of what can be done to communicate a concept